Why warnings are needed for Off the Plan Contracts
Back in 2013 I published a very good article for further and continuing education for lawyers and other parties concering purchasing under an off the plan contract from both the develoeprs and buyer's perspective. Most of the principles remain today and it really is a very good ...

10th September 2021 (Updated 18th June 2022)
Views : 764
Off the Plan Contracts - what you need to know!
In 2013, I provided a presentation to the Television Education Network concerning off the plan contracts in Qld. The presentation reviewed some recent developments in the area and case law, and visited the perennial traps practitioners need to avoid. It also looked at what ...

1st July 2020 (Updated 18th June 2022)
Views : 748
Priala Legal is PEXA Certified!!!
Here at Priala Legal we understand how important it is to provide the best service possible to our clients. We have been registered users of PEXA for some time now and have recently become certified. This means we are recognised as being extremely proficient in the use of PEXA ...

1st June 2020 (Updated 18th June 2022)
Views : 743
Buying Off the Plan during COVID-19 - Property market still alive and well!
According to the Gold Coast Bulletin there is still an off the plan sales boom. My contribution...a brief but important message at the end of the article in the Gold Coast Bulletin, reminding people that even in current times, COVID-19 does not prevent people from entering into ...

1st June 2020
Views : 543
What do you need to know before you sign a building contract?
Some fantastic tips and insight into building and renovating contracts published on Undercover Architect. Please follow the link below to view more info and listen to the podcast we participated in with Undercover Architects in 2018. Listen To Podcast

17th July 2018 (Updated 11th May 2020)
Views : 3361
Agents Liability for Misrepresentation
Real estate agents beware!!! A recent case in the Qld Supreme Court has determined that a real estate agent was liable for statements made to a purchaser1. The statements made included both verbal and written representations by the selling agent prior to a contract of sale being ...

19th May 2017 (Updated 11th May 2020)
Views : 2917
Buying off the Plan
A Plain English Guide to Buying off the Plan Why buy off the Plan? Buying "off the plan" can lock in your purchase price early. Intro: Buying "off the plan" has become quite popular in recent years, both for investors and owner occupiers. There are advantages both for the ...

16th April 2014 (Updated 11th May 2020)
Views : 1947
Common Traps Real Estate Agents Employ Through Clauses and Conditions About Inspections
Despina Priala explains some of the common issues that creep into contracts of sale for properties Question: I was recently warned by a friend that when real estate agents draw up contracts for properties they will often water down a buyer’s normal rights with special ...

8th October 2013 (Updated 11th May 2020)
Views : 2162
Buyer's Rights When a Seller Changes Their Mind
Contract obligations What do you do if you enter into a contract of sale as a buyer, and the seller changes their mind in wanting to sell the property to you? Entering into a contract of sale to buy property is a very serious step to take by both buyer and seller. Each party ...

7th September 2011 (Updated 11th May 2020)
Views : 1658
Buying Real Estate for Foreign Buyers
A Plain English Guide To | Buying Real Estate for Foreign Buyers Pursuant to the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) "foreign persons" are required to obtain approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board when wanting to acquire real estate in Australia. View ...

1st August 2011 (Updated 11th May 2020)
Views : 1621