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Buying off the Plan

Buying off the Plan

A Plain English Guide to Buying off the Plan

Why buy off the Plan?

Buying "off the plan" can lock in your purchase price early.


Buying "off the plan" has become quite popular in recent years, both for investors and owner occupiers.

There are advantages both for the developer and the purchaser. From a purchaser's point of view a property can be purchased early in the development with the purchase price locked in for when settlement is to occur (which sometimes can be up to 2 or 3 years from when a contract is signed).

From a developer’s point of view, sales “off the plan” mean that they have commitment from purchasers to buy at an agreed price today.

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Despina Priala

Posted By Despina Priala
Despina Priala has practised in property and commercial law on the Gold Coast for over 25 years and has extensive experience in this area.

Updated : 11th May 2020 | Words : 123 | Views : 1948

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