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Buried Cash Case!!!

Buried Cash Case!!!

Priala Legal is pleased to inform that after numerous twists and turns we have reached a favourable conclusion for our client, having successfully asserted their rights in this very much publicised case. The finding of almost half a million dollars buried in a property owned by our client was far from an every day occurrence, especially when multiple parties put their hand up to claim ownership after the money had been sitting in the ground for possibly more than 20 years. With very little case law to form a precedent by which to establish which claims might be valid, or to predict what the courts might decide, (having only 1 reported case dating backt to 1968 [Ranger v Giffin]), it was very important for us to provide our client with a good understanding of the legal issues before them and how to deal with them. We were very privileged to look after this case for our client and receive a fantastic result.

Recently, I gave an interview on live breakfast radio concerning this very much publicised case (as much as I was legally allowed to) from the land owner's perspective. Have a listen!!!

Despina Priala

Posted By Despina Priala
Despina Priala has practised in property and commercial law on the Gold Coast for over 25 years and has extensive experience in this area.

Updated : 27th June 2022 | Words : 193 | Views : 1541

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